The Angry Drunk: How Alcohol and Aggression Are Linked

alcoholism and anger issues

The intensity of the anger and how you express it varies from person to person. Anger can be a symptom of depression, which involves ongoing feelings of sadness and loss of interest lasting at least 2 weeks. AngryAs we’ve discussed, simply acknowledging and allowing room for anger to be understood and addressed is the best way to move on from it. When you check in on your anger levels, you can better assess what your needs are.

Does Quitting Drinking Make You Angry?

alcoholism and anger issues

In sum, these findings underscore that AA meeting attendance, behaviors, and steps worked are important therapeutic factors in AA facilitation treatment. Finally, although beyond the scope of the present paper, consideration of multiple dimensions of affect and affective disorders may lead to a deeper understanding of the role of anger and other negative affect states in the treatment of alcohol dependence. Although little empirical work addresses the role of anger in the treatment of alcohol dependence, research has alcoholic rage syndrome focused on other affect experiences. The Kelly et al. (2011) secondary analyses of the Project MATCH data indicate that attending AA meetings may reduce depressive symptoms, thereby improving drinking outcome. Taken together, this body of research emphasizes the role of emotions in general as important therapeutic targets in alcohol dependence treatment. The emphasis on addressing anger in AA notwithstanding, there is little empirical evaluation regarding anger management in alcohol and substance abuse treatment.

  • Through various treatment options, we can help you get back to a life of normalcy.
  • Table 2 displays demographic characteristics for the sample as a whole and separately by treatment condition.
  • Understanding this dynamic highlights the importance of mindfulness and caution regarding alcohol consumption, particularly for individuals prone to anger-related challenges.
  • Additionally, when you don’t reflect on mistakes you’ve made, you’ll probably repeat them.
  • Seek out a strong support system that is willing to give you honest feedback.
  • The emphasis on addressing anger in AA notwithstanding, there is little empirical evaluation regarding anger management in alcohol and substance abuse treatment.

The Link Between Alcohol and Aggression

alcoholism and anger issues

But as you continue to drink, you become drowsy and have less control over your actions. These intense mood shifts can range from mania to depression, although not everyone with bipolar disorder will experience depression. Many people with bipolar disorder may experience periods of anger, irritability, and rage. Having good sleep hygiene, making boundaries with work, and remembering to pace yourself are all effective ways to prevent burn out.

alcoholism and anger issues

The Effects of Alcohol-Related Aggression

alcoholism and anger issues

But once GABA is metabolized, it mostly converts to glutamine, causing excitement (6). Some people may become more angry or aggressive when they drink, in part because of alcohol’s effects on brain chemistry. If you’ve ever noticed that you — or friends or family — have intense feelings or express extreme emotions or behavior while buzzed or drunk, you’re not imagining it. This study aims to examine the relationship of anger with treatment outcome among alcohol users after 1 year of treatment.

alcoholism and anger issues

Alcohol, Aggression, and Violence: From Public Health to Neuroscience

We often think of the liver, stomach, and how alcohol damages our overall physical health. But the brain is deeply (and immediately)  impacted by heavy alcohol use as well. In fact, it’s the relationship alcohol shares with the brain that often causes people to experience things like rage and irritability while drinking. But in real life, a person who loses control of their emotions when they drink is anything but entertaining.

The researchers assigned the participants (54 males and 60 females) to compete in a competitive aggression paradigm in an intoxicated or sober state. The result was that the intoxicated men were more aggressive than the sober men; however, in the circumstances where the women were highly provoked, both the intoxicated and sober women displayed higher levels of aggression, which could resemble the men. This suggested that both the women and men can be equally aggressive and alcohol does not seem to play a prominent role in the gender biases in aggression. The most self-evident way to stop being an angry drinker is to quit drinking altogether.

  • For individuals already dealing with anger issues, alcohol can intensify and magnify these underlying challenges.
  • Some clinical features of AUD may also precipitate sleep disorders, such as a preoccupation with obtaining alcohol and AUD-related psychosocial stressors.
  • Because he is a member of a support group that stresses the importance of anonymity at the public level, he does not use his photograph or his real name on this website.